Thursday, June 2, 2011

Midseason Mets

It's been awhile between posts, and for that I apologize. I've been busy moving into a new house. In the meantime, the New York Mets have been playing some truly uninspiring baseball. I did not expect too much from the Phillies series, but the team has also endured tough losses to the Cubs and now the Pirates, both of which are teams that the Mets should be capable of steamrolling. There has been a rash of unfortunate injuries, but so far that seems to be no worse that what befalls any given team during any given season.

The most interesting news regarding the team lately has been happening off the field, which is unfortunate. I view this as a baseball blog and try not to get into the off-field drama, but since there is almost nothing else to talk about, I'll weigh in on the recent happenings.

Fred Wilpon has got to go. Ever since I started following this team, the ownership has done nothing that put them in a positive light for me. Weather it was the 3am decicion to fire Willie Randolph or the most recent comments to the press, everything that ownership has done publicly has been unsavory. I'm glad that the Mets have found a minority investor, and I hope that this is the beginning of a transfer of power.

Recent rumblings indicate that the team may have to move either Wright or Reyes to meet payroll restrictions for next season. I am fairly tired of the speculation and have always adopted a "wait and see" approach. I am glad, however, that this is a change from all of the recent babble about how Reyes was absolutely going to be traded. Once again, wait and see. The incessant yammering and the foregone conclusions have grown tiring.

Lastly, I'd like to share a few links:

Terry Collins' Postgame Press Conference 5/01/2011
This is interesting to listen to and shows a passion that was apparently absent from the team's past two managers.

Ted Berg Shares a Story About Minor League Baseball and Tacos
As a Rochester, NY native, I found this story charming. Hopefully you will too.

Let's hope that Terry was able to identify the changes he was talking about last night, and brings them to the table. Let's Go Mets!

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